Sassy & Chic Travel Accessories with Attitude

Monday, April 12, 2010

Top 10 Time Savers for Busy Moms

Being a mother today is no easy feat. Moms today are expected to be the ultimate multi-taskers: private tutors, chauffeurs, chefs, personal shoppers, nurses, laundresses, household managers, vacation planners, computer and media monitors, schedulers, cheerleaders and overall household managers. Wouldn’t it be nice to save a few extra minutes each day on necessary chores? Well, you can. Here are some time savers every busy mom can use.
  1. Put like utensils in the same holder in the dishwasher (knives with knives, small forks with small forks, etc). When it’s time to unload the dishwasher, it will be a quicker job.
  2. Wash all fruits and veggies as soon as you bring them home from the grocery store. When it’s time to cook, this task will already be done.
  3. Put empty garbage bags at the bottom of each trashcan. When you take one filled bag out, another clean one is ready and right there to replace it.
  4. Take one day to make meals for the entire week. Place them in microwaveable containers and store them either in the freezer or refrigerator.
  5. Keep your keys in the same place each and every time. Nothing wastes time more than looking for a lost set of keys. When you come inside the house, always hang them in exactly the same place.
  6. Have one centralized and organized system for bills. When it comes time to pay them, they’re all together and neatly organized.
  7. Create a “To Do” list everyday. Mark off items as you complete them. Carry over any unfinished items to the next day.
  8. Carry juice boxes and sugar-free snacks in your glove box. It will keep the kids from going crazy in traffic jams and will save you that extra trip to the fast food restaurant on the way home.
  9. Stick to routine, whenever possible. Kids are more likely to cooperate with the game plan when it is part of their regular routine. Structure and routines can be a busy mom’s best defense against insanity.
  10. Double up. Every time you cook, make more than you need and freeze the rest for another time.

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